Spider Web Rainbow

The droplets on this web are neat – both because they make the web visible and because they are colored. The colors are from the reflected light and formed in much the same way as those of a rainbow. Neat?

Two Does

I love this picture of two does facing off. 

They’re sisters and establishing their relative pecking order. 

I took this image at dusk with the sun filtering in from behind them and illuminating the tall grass behind and around the two deer.

One of the pleasures of watching a population of wild animals evolve over time is that you sort of get to know them. We’ve seen these gals with their mother, and brother as they grow from fawns to mature animals. Mom has just decided that it’s time for her girls to strike off on their own. Their brother left last year after being a “spike” buck and we’ve seen him since with a moderate rack. If the hunters don’t get him this year, he’ll be even more handsome next year.

This is him, from earlier in the year. 

Early Bloomer

I caught this one flower, the first from its bunch to blossom. The 600mm lens I used let me control the depth of field and I adjusted the saturation and colors to emphasize the bloom and the bunds that were ready to open. 

It’s just one of those pretty pictures that one can be philosophical about … or not.

On the cutting room floor.

I thought it would be worthwhile to show how a little cropping can make an image. I have rather mixed feelings about cropping as my ideal is to make the image in the viewfinder. It’s not for nothing that I say I admire Henri Cartier-Bresson and his principles.

Principles are nice, but a good image is everything.

The original image, after correcting the color and intensity, is nice enough, but there’s an awful lot of blurry green background. Once you’ve seen one bit of green blur, you’ve seen it all.

A first crop gives:

Which is pretty good, but maybe we can do better. Let’s try a square crop:

That’s better but let’s see what happens when we get close up:

That’s got the main flower right, but something is missing. So we go back to the original aspect ration and stay close in:

And that’s right. It has the detail but the other blooms balance the image. This image is the one on the website.