Transylvanian Experimental Neuroscience Summer School.

Should I send them a copy?

Sometimes life imitates art. I just had a message about the Transylvanian Experimental Neuroscience Summer School (TENSS) on my work email. They’re accepting applications. I wonder if Amber should apply?


FrankenKitty 17 #wewriwar #amwriting


(Some assembly required)


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.  This is a sample from my latest work “Frankenkitty”, and I hope you enjoy it.  It started out as a young-adult superhero book, and well, you’ll see.  In last week’s snippet, the gerbil awakens and their device has interesting side effects. This week Amber’s ever-tolerant parents put their foot down.

Amber’s description of her parental unit’s reactions to their little experiments during the lunch period was both painful and amusing.

“Even my father said ‘enough was enough;’ no more accelerators or coils or anything fun in the basement.”

Jennifer asked, “Did he let you keep a lab?”

“Sort of, but you’ve got to come this evening and get your stuff; both you and Mary.”

“He didn’t see the notebooks?”

Amber nodded, “He had a look; made a crack about my being a biochemist like mother, and then they started arguing; as if ever.”

“Yeah,” Mary added, “I gotta do me.”

Jennifer said, “Did they stop arguing?”

“Only to remind me that the lab was off limits for a month; to give me time to think about safety; I think they like to argue, ’cause then they got all yucky mushy.”

“No bedtime story,” Mary said with a straight face.

This is no longer a work in progress.

I’ve also released a sweet regency romance, Miss DeVere


My book “The Curious Profession of Dr. Craven” is finally out!

Get Free Stuff and try out my landing page. There are three free complete short stories (including an ARC for Frankenkitty) available after you’ve gone through the hoops.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

FrankenKitty 16 #wewriwar #amwriting


(Some assembly required)


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.  This is a sample from my latest work “Frankenkitty”, and I hope you enjoy it.  It started out as a young-adult superhero book, and well, you’ll see.  In last week’s snippet, the gerbil awakens. He’s grown to the size of a guinea pig. After Amber’s mother has calmed down, she has some words for the gang. The snippet starts after she’s told them to stop.

“Good, there are some cookies in the kitchen. Why don’t you have some, and then do something wholesome, like play a computer game or watch some TV?”

When Jennifer’s mother picked her up before dinner, she carried the Gerbil in its cage.

“This is for Bobby.”

“It looks like a Gerbil, but it’s too big; What is it?”

“A special African Gerbil.”

“Is it safe?”

“I think so,” the creature snapped its jaws at Jennifer and gave what sounded like a high-pitched snarl.

“I hope so for your sake; you know who gets to clean the cage when Bobby forgets.”

This is no longer a work in progress.

I’ve also released a sweet regency romance, Miss DeVere


My book “The Curious Profession of Dr. Craven” is finally out!

Get Free Stuff and try out my landing page. There are three free complete short stories (including an ARC for Frankenkitty) available after you’ve gone through the hoops.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

FrankenKitty 15 #wewriwar #amwriting


(Some assembly required)


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.  This is a sample from my latest work “Frankenkitty”, and I hope you enjoy it.  It started out as a young-adult superhero book, and well, you’ll see.  In last week’s snippet, Jimmy helps set up their machine. Amber is upstairs; diverting Mrs Gross’s attention when they turn it on – with interesting results.

Suddenly the lights dimmed, and a blue glow emanated from the water faucet; St. Elmo’s fire filled the kitchen, and then just as quickly it was back to normal; Mrs. Gross’s calm went, “What the hell was that; What are you doing downstairs?”

She ran to the stairs, followed closely by Jennifer.
“Amber! What are you doing?”

“Nothing Mother; Everything’s fine; No need to come down.”

“Nothing?” She sprinted down the stairs. “What are you doing with that poor Guinea Pig; can’t you hear it squeaking in panic? You know you can’t have a pet, not with Father’s allergies.”

In her concern about the ‘Guinea Pig’, she didn’t notice Jimmy staring in disbelief at the smoking remnants of his ground wire.

This is no longer a work in progress.

My book “The Curious Profession of Dr. Craven” is finally out!

Get Free Stuff and try out my landing page. There are three free complete short stories (including an ARC for Frankenkitty) available after you’ve gone through the hoops.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Frankenkitty #indiebooksbeseen #newbook

It’s alive – In More Ways Than One

I released the book I’ve been putting little bits out on with weekend writing warriors.

On Amazon, for kindle

Poor Mr. Snuffles, all nine lives gone in the squeal of a tire and the screech of brakes. His person, Jennifer, is in tears at her loss. Her neighbor, Mrs. Jones, a German war bride and about to move into assisted living has a treat for her. Being the grand-niece of a certain Transylvanian doctor, she has a treat for Jennifer. The good doctor’s laboratory notebooks. Thus begins the convoluted story of how a cat becomes Frankenkitty, upsetting the status quo ante in a sleepy college town. Mayhem abounds in this young-adult themed novelette.

If you liked this you might like some of my other work. Sign up for my newsletter.

FrankenKitty 14 #wewriwar #amwriting


(Some assembly required)


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.  This is a sample from my work in progress, “Frankenkitty”, and I hope you enjoy it.  It started out as a young-adult superhero book, and well, you’ll see.  In last week’s snippet, the girls have a boy, Jimmy, join the team. Not only as the lab’s ‘Igor,’ but actually someone with relevant skills. Next week, they awaken a Gerbil. But first, the hardware needs adjusting.

“There was a clumping noise as Mrs. Gross descended the stairs; she was both pleased and worried that her daughter now numbered a boy among her friends.

Amber introduced Jimmy to her, “Mom this is Jimmy; he’s an amateur, what was it?”

“Amateur Extra; Amber and Mary wanted me to look at their device. See if there was something wrong with it and make it work without bringing down the town power grid.”

“Oh, can you; I mean is it safe?”

“I built my own kilowatt amplifier, for moonbounce; haven’t electrocuted anyone, yet.”

Amber’s mother smiled, “Well, don’t burn down the house; remember your promise Amber.”

“Yes Mother.”

“And don’t electrocute anyone either; I’ll be upstairs.”

It didn’t take Jimmy long to find the problem with the machine, “You don’t have an independent ground.”

Moonbounce is radio communication via bouncing VHF radio off the moon. Amateur radio operators can, if they’re so interested, do it.

This is a work in progress.

My book “The Curious Profession of Dr. Craven” is finally out!

Get Free Stuff and try out my landing page. There are two free complete short stories available after you’ve gone through the hoops.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

FrankenKitty 13 #wewriwar #amwriting


(Some assembly required)


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.  This is a sample from my work in progress, “Frankenkitty”, and I hope you enjoy it.  It started out as a young-adult superhero book, and well, you’ll see.  In last week’s snippet, Amber gave Mrs Jones a sample of the pink solution. This week starts with the girls in study hall, wondering what to do next.

“What did the book say?”

“It didn’t; he had to wait for the next thunderstorm.”

Mary cocked her head, trying to remember something she’d read, “Lightening; there was something odd about it; not just a big electric spark.”

A boy, one who was not very handsome, a rather gangly, spotty, and very shy fifteen year old, who had been sitting on the table near them, spoke up, “Anti-matter; there’s anti-matter in lightning.”

“Jimmy?” Jennifer recognized the boy from her neighborhood. He’d been quietly sitting next to them, almost every study hall for the whole term; hoping for a chance to exchange a word or two.

Jimmy turned away and looked at the book he was reading. Jennifer persisted, “Jimmy, what did you say?”

Jimmy’s right, by the way, there are positrons produced by lightning.

This is a work in progress. In other news, I’ve become a booktrope author, but more on that latter. It has meant a change in pen-name.

I’m also looking for reviewers for my nearly ready book “The Curious Profession of Dr. Craven” It’s moved out of layout to final assembly, and is now waiting only on the final cover.  There was a bit of a hiccough in production, but that’s sorted out.

Get Free Stuff and try out my landing page. There are two free complete short stories available after you’ve gone through the hoops.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

FrankenKitty 12 #wewriwar #amwriting


(Some assembly required)


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.  This is a sample from my work in progress, “Frankenkitty”, and I hope you enjoy it.  It started out as a young-adult superhero book, and well, you’ll see.  After blowing out the town power grid (temporarily as it turns out) Jenny reminds Amber with an IM that Mrs. Jones, the fons et origo, of the project wanted a sample of the pink solution.

In the morning Amber took a half-liter of the pink solution, still glowing though not as brightly as the night before, and put it in a bottle. On the way to the bus, she stopped at the Towers. She hesitated, then walked in and asked the attendant if he could give something to Mrs. Jones. He said he could;  Amber pulled out the bottle and he said, “Homebrew?”

“Not really; don’t drink it.”

“It’s not dangerous, is it?”

“I don’t think so; Mrs. Jones gave us a recipe and wanted to see a sample when we made it; perfume.” It didn’t look nor did it smell like the attendant would even know what perfume was.


This is a work in progress. In other news, I’ve become a booktrope author, but more on that latter. It has meant a change in pen-name.

I’m also looking for reviewers for my nearly ready book “The Curious Profession of Dr. Craven” It’s moved out of layout to final assembly, and is now waiting only on the final cover.  There was a bit of a hiccough in production, but that’s sorted out.

Get Free Stuff and try out my landing page. There are two free complete short stories available after you’ve gone through the hoops.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

FrankenKitty 11 #wewriwar #amwriting


(Some assembly required)


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.  This is a sample from my work in progress, “Frankenkitty”, and I hope you enjoy it.  It started out as a young-adult superhero book, and well, you’ll see. The week before last week, in the chapter, “The Gerbil from Hell,” the girls found a test subject. The trouble continues this week. This snippet picks up right after last weeks where Amber and Mary’s coil blew out the town electrical grid.

As the lights came back on, Jennifer put the gerbil in a jar and Amber poured enough of the glowing pink solution over it to cover the corpse; Mary nudged them and muttered, “MOS.”

“What are you doing?” Dr. Maria Venik or Mrs. Gross was not a woman to stand for much nonsense.

Amber had a story ready, “This is a special fixative. It will help dye the gerbil’s body so we can see what’s inside without cutting it up.”

“Is that why it’s glowing, Fluorescein?”

“Yes, Mother.”

“What were you doing with the coil?”

“That was my bad,” Jennifer said, “I wanted to see what it did; more than I expected.”

“I hope you’re not hurt,” Mrs. Gross was suddenly worried that her householder’s insurance might not cover burns from electron accelerators and Tesla coils or worse.

This is a work in progress. In other news, I’ve become a booktrope author, but more on that latter. It has meant a change in pen-name. The week before last week’s is here.
and you can read the whole last chapter if you’d rather.  I’ve added a sub-title “(some assembly required).”

I’m also looking for reviewers for my nearly ready book “The Curious Profession of Dr. Craven” It’s moved out of layout to final assembly.  There was a bit of a hiccough in production, but that’s sorted out.

Get Free Stuff and try out my landing page. There are two free complete short stories available after you’ve gone through the hoops.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

FrankenKitty 10 #wewriwar #amwriting


(Some assembly required)


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.  This is a sample from my work in progress, “Frankenkitty”, and I hope you enjoy it.  It started out as a young-adult superhero book, and well, you’ll see. The week before last week, in the chapter, “The Gerbil from Hell,” the girls found a test subject. The trouble starts this week. This snippet picks up right after last weeks where Amber reminded Mary about their experiments with a coil.

“How could I forget? We nearly blew out the town’s power grid; you don’t think.”

“Why not,” Amber said, “it would be fun, and we could totes do it this time; they’d never know it was us.”

Jennifer’s father arrived at Amber’s house to pick up his daughter. He arrived just in time to see the house lights dim and brown out. The streetlights flickered then went out. Then with a loud bang, the whole street went black and sparks flew from the transformer attached to the power line in the street.

“Funny that,” he said to himself, “Same thing happened last year.”

 He tried to ring the doorbell, then after realizing it didn’t work without power, knocked on the door.

Amber’s parents calmly answered the door; they were wearing LED headlamps and were surprisingly unphased by the events of the night.

This is a work in progress. In other news, I’ve become a booktrope author, but more on that latter. It has meant a change in pen-name. The week before last week’s is here and you can read the whole last chapter if you’d rather.  I’ve added a sub-title “(some assembly required).”

I’m also looking for reviewers for my nearly ready book “The Curious Profession of Dr. Craven” It’s moved out of layout to final assembly.  There was a bit of a hiccough in production, but that’s sorted out.

Get Free Stuff and try out my landing page.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin